Obama and Health Care Scare Tactics

The health care reform debate is getting very loud. If you haven't watched the recent videos of the town hall meetings, check it out on the link in the title of this blog.

I'm not sure what the answer is but I know one thing for sure, in order to understand a situation a considerable amount of time needs to be devoted to research and analysis before making a decision. I think that President Obama is rushing the health care bill through Congress. So is it supposed to be "health care reform" or "insurance reform". What is it exactly? And how is it going to be funded?

Like many other bills that are passed, there are unintended consquences associated with them because no one took the time to consider the impact.

So, I think that if health care is truly so important, shouldn't we take the appropriate time to understand all the issues?

Anytime one side wants to rush the process, you can just guarantee that the other side is going to get screwed.

That, Mr. President, is what regular people in the country are angry about. We are an independent bunch and don't like things shoved down our throats. We don't like being told "we know best and this is good for you". Sounds like what our parents used to say when we were kids.

Government was not put in place to be patriarchal. It was put in place to serve at the pleasure of the citizens. Citizens get to vote and speak up and tell government how things are going to be. Not the other way around.

I read the Wall Street Journal, Fortune, Forbes, Inc., New York Times, and Businessweek to name a few. No one paid me or encouraged me to protest against the proposed healthcare plan. My opinions were formed totally on my own.

I am not convinced that Congress or the President knows what’s best for me. I’m used to making my own decisions. And I know plenty of others who feel the same way.

From the news videos I've watched, it is apparent that the protesters are not an organized bunch. They are young, old, fat, thin, black, white and from many walks of life. Many carry hand made signs.

There’s no vast Republican conspiracy. The Democrats are giving them way too much credit. People are exercising the rights that our Founding Fathers put in place over 230 years ago. I wish they were here now so we’d have someone looking out for our rights.


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