Buying & Selling: It's Not Just About Price & Terms
Whenever you buy or sell something, there are usually more factors involved than price and terms in rendering a decision. Think about it. When you purchased your home or your most recent automobile, what was your biggest reason for doing so? It was probably not the good price or the great financing rate. Now, I am not saying that price and terms aren’t important. They are. However, they aren’t the reason that you decided to buy. The reason you purchased that particular house or car was because it made you happy by fulfilling an emotional need. You accomplished a milestone. You achieved a dream. You can brag to your brother-in-law about it. As humans, emotions influence our personal and business decisions….whether or not we like to admit it. Then we justify those decisions with reasoned logic. “Well, I needed a new car. My old car had 100,000 miles on it. It was time. The new car is more efficient….bl...