
Showing posts from August 9, 2009

Obama and Health Care Scare Tactics

The health care reform debate is getting very loud. If you haven't watched the recent videos of the town hall meetings, check it out on the link in the title of this blog. I'm not sure what the answer is but I know one thing for sure, in order to understand a situation a considerable amount of time needs to be devoted to research and analysis before making a decision. I think that President Obama is rushing the health care bill through Congress. So is it supposed to be "health care reform" or "insurance reform". What is it exactly? And how is it going to be funded? Like many other bills that are passed, there are unintended consquences associated with them because no one took the time to consider the impact. So, I think that if health care is truly so important, shouldn't we take the appropriate time to understand all the issues? Anytime one side wants to rush the process, you can just guarantee that the other side is going to get screwed. That, Mr. Pres...

Does the SBA Chief Really Know What It Will Take?

I know I've been on a "kick" lately making comments regarding banks and SBA loans. It's probably a curse of some sort since I was a banker for many years. I promise I'll write some stuff about buying and selling businesses too. It's just that getting financing is so KEY to putting a buy/sell transaction together. If we don't figure out how to fix this and get credit flowing and businesses moving again, its going to worsen the situation. Today, I saw a headline in the Wall Street Journal from an interview with Karen Mills, the SBA Chief. Here's my response to the article. I strongly disagree with Ms. Mills when she says the "health care” is the number one concern of small business owners. I work with small business owners that want to sell, buy and finance their businesses. I can tell you, the only reason health care comes up in the conversation is because business owners are terrified about what the Obama administration is attempting to do with he...