
Showing posts from February 7, 2010

Where Oh Where is the RTC?

This is no suprise to anyone in business. Small businesses (and big businesses) need customers. Customers come from consumer confidence. Consumer confidence comes from employment (i.e. positive cash flow which allows businesses to create jobs). Employment comes from the free flow of money in the economy. But here's something that until recently many people didn't think about: Banks control the money supply in the economy. The Government can pump money into banks through low interest rates and programs like TARP but if banks can't or won't lend, then money doesn't flow in the economy. Thus creating the vicious cycle we see now. Okay, I know....that's pretty elementary. But here's the question I'd like to get an answer for: Can someone tell me why we haven't considered reopening the Resolution Trust Corp that resolved the problems during the S & L Crisis just a few years ago??? Banks would be able to lend and thus "jump start" t...