Time is Money: How are You Managing Yours?
There are 168 hours in one week. What are you doing with your time? Are you focusing on things that will move you forward? Or are you just checking things off your to-do list? Time management experts recommend making a list of duties, prioritizing them and completing the most important ones first. There are always multiple things to do, people to call, emails to return, meetings to attend, etc. However, even with my list making and organizational skills, there never seems to be enough time to do it all. Sometimes at the end of a busy day, I realize that I didn’t make the progress I wanted. Sound familiar? Recently, the founders of Life is Good , a $100 million clothing company dumped their email accounts. They no longer send, receive, or read emails. Wow. Think of all the time they have to do other things! And that was entirely the point. They realized that responding to email wasn’t moving their business forward. It took time...