
Showing posts from June 14, 2009

Credit Squeeze Affects Small Business

The banks encouraged small business owners to get into this mess (with easy credit and low interest rates) and they are going to prolong it by cutting limits and raising rates. And there are virtually no other options for small business owners....other than paying cash. And if your clients don't pay for 30 or 60 or more days, then a huge financing gap occurs. That gap, in the past, has been covered by credit cards and unsecured credit lines that banks handed out like lollypops as recently as 18 months ago. I'm not saying each of us aren't responsible for our actions. But business owners make calculated risks. We ask: Should I go into debt to start up a new company? What happens if I fail? And what happens if I never attempt my dream? Every business owner starts out thinking they have the best new idea or service to offer the buying public. If we didn't believe that, no one would go into business. So we take that "leap of faith". We may use a credit ca...

How Will I Know How to Buy the Right Business?

I know that there are business professionals who will guide people to buying a business The only person that knows the right business for you. But before you start looking for a business, you should ask yourself - What am I good at?  What do I like to do?  What niche needs to be filled (i.e. what are people seeking and want to buy)? Then once you know the answers to those questions, start looking at businesses for sale.  There are several "business for sale" websites that you can view.  Just Google - "buy a business" and start looking.  This will give you an idea of what is currently available. However, if you decide that there is a particular type of business you really like, are good at or believe there is a need for, then you may want to consider approaching a business owner that has NOT listed the business for sale. A good business intermediary (a.k.a. business broker) will be invaluable to you.  How do you know if someone is qual...

Buying or Selling a Business - What Should You Do?

Buying or selling a Business Buying or selling a business is complicated.  There is a lot to know and a lot to do.  Before you get started, I recommend you do some homework.  For example, there are numerous books available about how to buy a business.  There aren't as many for selling. Then once you've educated yourself a little, I suggest that you find a competent professional business intermediary to help you.  Why?  Because two or more minds are better than one. And it helps you keeps your emotions in check during the negotiation phase. Don't think buying or selling a business is emotional?  Every decision we make is an emotional one and then we justify it with logic.  A professional intermediary can help you separate the emotion from the facts. If you are determined to do it yourself, there are some resources,but again, buying or selling a business is (besides your home), the biggest financial decision you will make.  Why on ear...